Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Ephrem. Why The Council Ignored Communism Vatican Giacomo Galeazzi has declared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa that what many considered a conspiracy theory was …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Ephrem.

Why The Council Ignored Communism


Giacomo Galeazzi has declared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa that what many considered a conspiracy theory was true: There was indeed a secret agreement between Soviet Union and the Holy See in 1962. This agreement is mentioned by Cardinal Tisserand. Pope Paul VI. himself, in a note of November 15, 1965, explicitly lists among "the commitments of the Council" that of – Quote - "not mentioning Communism." The Pope adds in brackets the year “1962”. The indication of that date refers to the secret agreement between Rome and Moscow related by Tisserand. This would explain why the Council dealt with all sorts of issues, relevant and irrelevant alike, but ignored the most challenging menace of its time: Communism.

Archbishop: “Neutral” Often Means “Covert”


Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster archdiocese, has argued that schools should develop the "innate spirituality" of young students by teaching sound moral principles. The archbishop said: Schools of a religious character are upfront, overt and very reasoned about the values that shape the education, whereas I think often those that would claim to be neutral are covert in the values that they present to the children.

Mother Protests Against Homosexuals Adopting Her Child


A catholic mother in southern England has taken legal action after the Brighton and Hove Council placed her 10-year-old boy in the foster care of a homosexual couple. According to Sunday Telegraph report, the mother suffered a mental breakdown after an abusive marriage.

Please, Care for Formation


Yesterday, Pope Benedict the XVI met with the bishops of Venezuela for their ad limina visit. The Holy Father urged the bishops to care for the spiritual and theological formation of priests and to encourage the laity to the practice of charity. As a conclusion he said: “Just as Christ did with the disciples of Emmaus, the Risen Lord also walks at our side, infusing us with His Spirit of love and strength.”

Something for your heart

The Columbian philosopher Nicolas Gomez Davila has said: "Modern man does not love, but seeks refuge in love; does not hope, but seeks refuge in hope; does not believe but seeks refuge in dogma.”
Cooles Outfit! 😇
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